Horse Liberty Training

Why Liberty is Like Winged Eyeliner

Ponyo on February 24, 2023 0 Comments

‘Why Liberty Training is Like Winged Eyeliner’ – An internal monologue brought to you by a few mindless hours on the tractor….

Today as I was vrooming around in the John Deere, feeling my jowls jiggle independently from the rest of my face – I began working on a theory…

See, for a few years before I fell down this rabbit hole, I’d been interested in Liberty… but the whole thing seemed so absurdly confusing.

It kept popping up on Instagram, where it was mostly teenage girls looking flowy and fabulous while their horses danced around at their own free will.

‘It’s a bit like winged eyeliner’ I thought.

‘Yay for those people that can actually pull it off….it really does look great. But I know my limits and I think it’s safer that I don’t even try in the first place’

Which is not strictly true because I once chased a pony round a paddock, attempting some kind of horrific pressure and release in the hopes that he would suddenly decide he wanted to start dancing with me.

And also, I did try winged eyeliner…

The result was that I resembled someone seeing in the sunrise after Mardi Gras, who’s eyelashes have been weighed down with kebabs.

So in both cases I couldn’t tell you exactly what I was thinking… but they were abhorrent failures in every sense of the word.

And just so you know, I once ate bird poo off the pavement because I thought it was semi melted chocolate buttons….so I guess you could say I’ve got history for making poor choices.

But looking back now, I’m content that I’ve never again been tempted by liquid eyeliner….. but I am absolutely bloody tickled pink that I eventually took the time to learn about Liberty (and that I keep learning daily) because it gives me a really, really stupid amount of joy.

Tomorrow is my first day of (legally) giving lessons and I can’t wait to start sharing what I know in the hopes it will bring you even half as much joy.

Pictured here is little Timmy Trumpster (with his tucked in feets) who has finally forgiven me for the paddock chasing incident… but if we could all agree never to mention it again, that would be great.

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